INTERVIEW : Valerie, Darling


Q & A : Valerie, darling

Valerie, Darling is a burlesque performer and latex kink business owner. She has a unique way of honoring classic styles with a modern twist. We were so thrilled to have her perform at Valley Doll. We’ll be sharing her video soon, but in the meantime - let’s chat with her!

We loved having you perform at Valley Doll Festival, how did you find your way into the world of burlesque?

I remember its burgeoning moments so vividly. During my teen & undergrad years in Oklahoma (my born & raised,) I read as many books on burlesque as I could find. I was entranced. I secretively watched videos of performances, modern and mid-century, my eyes swollen with love. In 2014, I finally mustered up my early-20s courage to tell my then-boyfriend that I wanted to start doing burlesque. (Remember: this is Oklahoma we're talking about.) He told me that he didn't want me to do it and couldn't support me.
So I broke up with him and answered an advert calling for a stage kitten. After one series of shows as this group's kitten, I was welcomed into the troupe as a performer. Those first performances were not only learning experiences but also a dream. I was more determined than ever. The next year, I uprooted and moved to L.A. - quite the baptism by fire!

Burlesque etiquette is something a lot of people aren’t versed in, what are some tips for burlesque virgins?

1. We love when you make noise. Shout, holler, whoop, cheer - give it all to us, as soon as we slink onto that stage. Those raw animalistic noises are intoxicating.
2. You don't have to bring your cash for tipping us the same way you do for our sisters at the strip club. In fact, a lot of burlesque venues might have quite a distance between the audience and the stage!

How has burlesque evolved through the years? Has it become more modern or said to it's classic form?

What delicious questions! I could wax for hours over a cocktail with this so Lord help me be brief: Burlesque, although a constantly transmutable wild little delight, has always been at its core both vibrant sensory escapism and also satirical reflections of its time & place. How it manages to balance these principles is an endless fascination to me, as performer and admirer.

You have an iconic look and style how has old Hollywood inspired this? How have you made these classic looks your own?

You flatterer! Make me blush why don't you. Before I even knew how to put words to it, I admired style that was devoted to transformation and restriction - from both my upbringing in classical ballet and the Golden Age of Hollywood. For me, it's a treat to practice make-up and clothing that really makes you work for it - and truly, practicing it and living it and consistently working with it is the only way to make it your own!

Any performances coming up?

Funny you should ask, because there's something I'm so terribly excited about. I've been working on a new act that is my most technically difficult (and, truth be told, dangerous) performance to date. I've been dedicating all of my free time to it. I can't in good conscience reveal everything yet, but if you follow me on Instagram via @itsvaleriedarling then maybe I can...rope you in